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Legends are not born of mere mortals they are cast to the earth by the gods. The Fat Guy, he was born to mere mortal parents. FG was born in south east Michigan in a small little town called Trenton. He was raised by wolves, ok well not really he was raised by two awesome parent, one you have heard from before (AKA Queen Bitch) and one you have not. Though seeing himself as the Fat Guy, he states he eats healthier “most of the time” and works out continuing to lift weights. He enjoy being creative whether that’s writing stories (he writes the descriptions) cooking new foods, or one of his other 6 million hobbies. Growing up he was just about as crazy as he is today, always a creative and artist he and the skinny dude had become friends a few years prior to starting their podcast. They started this project as a fun way to just blow off some steam and express themselves while using their creativity and never expected it to get off the ground. As our duo triumphs through the hordes of evil, and stupid people in there pursuit of the truth..... or something like that
Skinny dude, born of salt, screaming like a Dimebag squeal, He was birthed to a bad ass mom and an alien musician. Hailing from the unknown he found his way to the Americas, and kept to himself for most of his time on this planet, learning the ways of music and art, he withheld his identity from the peons, until one fateful day where he stumbled upon the maniacal mastermind that we know as the Fat guy. With their powers combined by the powers of Grey skull, they have begun their conquest of this pathetic planet. Stay tuned motherfuckers!
Who in the right mind would marry the fat guy... obviously she isnt in her right mind. but I digress. hailing from wyandotte a city close to the fat guys birth place, over the past decade her and our hero the boulder had made countless adventures with many friend made and many lost but the somehow slither out with unscathed flesh, though
Who in the right mind would marry the fat guy... obviously she isnt in her right mind. but I digress. hailing from wyandotte a city close to the fat guys birth place, over the past decade her and our hero the boulder had made countless adventures with many friend made and many lost but the somehow slither out with unscathed flesh, though emotionally might be otherwise. she is always a great help to our duo whether planning or providing feedback on their bullshit!
Queen Bitch ( self named I might add) shown here as an infant before her royal indoctrination is the mother and creator of the Fat Guy. She is a smart amazing woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind, even after the trauma of having to raise highly intelligent but insanely stubborn children. Her mastery for years was in the medical world
Queen Bitch ( self named I might add) shown here as an infant before her royal indoctrination is the mother and creator of the Fat Guy. She is a smart amazing woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind, even after the trauma of having to raise highly intelligent but insanely stubborn children. Her mastery for years was in the medical world but now she has retired giving her more time to pursue the things she enjoys and maybe even more time with our duo!
Half man, Half Viking, Half Amazing Welder...... Wait.... maybe I shouldn't math. Sir Robert has an amazing perspective on the world and therefore is a great guest to have on the show!
The eldest creature of our tree like hero, The Boy Child is a great help when our two heroes are unsure of newer linguistics or what is relatively called hip in this current day and age. Not only acting as a beacon and guide for some of our challenges he often helps guide with his influence (you know Jedi like shit) . Though he now ventu
The eldest creature of our tree like hero, The Boy Child is a great help when our two heroes are unsure of newer linguistics or what is relatively called hip in this current day and age. Not only acting as a beacon and guide for some of our challenges he often helps guide with his influence (you know Jedi like shit) . Though he now venture the to another state both in location and in mind he is always welcome in our studio!
Quite a cook in his own right and as I am told a disk golf legend made one audio appearance in the early days of our podcast but be assured we will snag him back for future fun!
A fine Fantastic friend of the skinny dudes and a great acquaintance of the fat guy Atom is a knowledge packed encyclopedia though the pages may not always be in the right place....
Some families are born others are made! Orpan Anne here was unofficially adopted by Lord Fat Guy and The Producer because she is just as epic as they are! Her sense of humor can be dark and brooding, She has not only become part of the family but also part of the Podcast as a great step in Co-host for the days the Duo are on additional m
Some families are born others are made! Orpan Anne here was unofficially adopted by Lord Fat Guy and The Producer because she is just as epic as they are! Her sense of humor can be dark and brooding, She has not only become part of the family but also part of the Podcast as a great step in Co-host for the days the Duo are on additional missions. With an endless set of talents, she is a great addition to FGSD and Team Liquidation!